Why Poutsch?
At The End of The Day, Every Blogger's Reality Is That There's No Time Leftover To Market, Sell or Promote Their Creation.
Any Blogger will tell you that cranking out quality content on a consistent basis is a time-sucking joy ride. That, customized interaction planning to engage and grab potential subscribers' interest cannot be improved.
Besides, isn't that why God created "Comments"?
Right! That is, if you don't mind growing old waiting for your audience to say something, anything. Just so you'll know you've made some kind of an impression.
By relying on such random tactics and copy-cat thinking, it's no wonder most Bloggers are stuck, unable draw in more than a few occasional visitors. Visitors, who don't stick around long enough to bother subscribing.
With competition this fierce, 99% of the time the results are depressingly dicey. Inevitably, doubt begins to creep in that this whole Blogging thing is far more challenging than it promised to be.
Welcome to the Blogosphere!
A noisy, hectic place getting louder with every passing second. New Blogs springing up, offering a regurgitation of the same topics. Multiple screens luring your visitors here, there and everywhere.
So how can a Blogger even think that engagement is likely to occur? Or, even possible under the circumstance where you have millions of distractions, from every corner of planet earth that are equally trying to get their message across?
How do you stand out long enough to get them to notice you? To get your ideas considered, absorbed and appreciated by the very people you must reach?
Meet Poutsch: Your Free Interactive Opinion Toolbox
If you're feeling serious doubts -- don't rush to abandon your Blog, just yet.
There's something very good and useful happening with technology to help you engage your Blogs' visitors that you need to learn about. Finally, pure interactive engagement in the form of Poutsch.com has arrived providing you and your readers with a new level of experience, never seen before!
From the very first moment that I stepped into the Poutsch domain, I was hooked! It was crystal clear to me that this was truly revolutionary advancement for Bloggers. I couldn't stay away from the site.
Questions flooded my mind. I needed answers. I also knew that many of these questions were exactly what my audience, interested in marketing their businesses cared about as deeply, as I did.
And, since that was obvious to me, I knew Poutsch would benefit, across the board any other on-line business, blogger or website owner, as well; helping them to engage their audience to want to stick around and come back for more of the same.
This is a limited capacity Meetup.
Team Poutsch - The Founders
L-R: Melchior Schöller (CEO), Etienne Adriaenssen (CTO), Felix Winckler (COO)
Organizer Insights:
These three French Brainiacs have built an interactive, engaging Widget so remarkable, simple, and elegant that you can easily and quickly copy and paste in your Blog or Website under 3 minutes!
Thousands of people and organizations use Poutsch every day. Politicians, journalists, NGOs, brands and many others log-on to Poutsch from every corner of the globe to collect and express opinions that matter.
The best questions are debated between new and influential users. These questions become global conversations and a great source of qualitative and quantitative information.
Poutsch has been selected in the 2012 class of Le Camping accelerator and was among the 20 startups selected by Seedcamp for the NYC acceleration days in 2012.
In February 2013, Poutsch won the French American Entrepreneurship Award.
Meetup Agenda:
6pm - 6:30pm
Check-in, meet and greet + pre-presentation networking:
- Please pickup your name tag upon arrival
- Bring at least 30 business cards
- Complimentary light refreshments (beer and soda) will be served courtesy of Poutsch.com
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Presentation with Q&A by Felix Winckler, COO, Poutsch.com:
BLOGGERS: Meet Poutsch. Your Free Interactive Opinion Toolbox!
How to engage 10 times as many people because Poutsch lowers the barrier to participation with questions that can be embedded in the right place, and
Why you should embed a Poutsch question on your site
How Poutsch question widgets allow Bloggers to better understand their audience
Find out if you'e thinking what your audience is thinking
Give your visitors a voice and find out what they think through the qualitative and quantitative data aggregated for you on Poutsch
How to build a community faster
How anyone can participate in one click
How to increase the stickiness of your blogs and websites
Why embedding Poutsch questions will make your audience come back more often and for longer periods, and much, much more!
Post-presentation networking and social time
This is a limited capacity Meetup.
Poutsch Connections
- To experience Poutsch before our Meetup, go to https://poutsch.com
- For more information on the Poutsch question widgets, contact: widget@poutsch.com, or check out http://poutsch.com/developers/widget
- Read the Poutsch Blog: http://blog.poutsch.com/
- Follow Poutsch on Twitter: @poutsch
- Melchior Schöller (CEO): melchior@poutsch.com
- Etienne Adriaenssen (CTO): etienne@poutsch.com
- Felix Winckler (COO): felix@poutsch.com
Poutsch Reviews
"Poutsch brings the world’s opinions into a global conversation"
"Poutsch is Quora for polls"
"Twitter meets SurveyMonkey"
This is a limited capacity Meetup.